Enabling the Global Response Force
Access Strategies for the 82nd Airborne Division
ResearchPublished Jul 28, 2016
The Global Response Force (GRF) is built for rapid response to unforeseen operations. This study determined access strategies for each geographic combatant command given constraints in aircraft, intermediate staging bases, operational capabilities, and other factors. Global access requires both well-established and austere staging bases; complex joint deployment concepts are necessary to ensure access.
Access Strategies for the 82nd Airborne Division
ResearchPublished Jul 28, 2016
The Global Response Force (GRF) is built for rapid response to unforeseen or, more specifically, unplanned operations. Selected Army airborne forces provide a large portion of the GRF and are dependent on joint concepts for deployment and access. This study illustrates a method for determining the best access strategies given constraints in aircraft, intermediate staging bases, operational capabilities, and other factors. The study applies this method to each geographic combatant command and develops specific, tailored strategies for each.
The access strategies are built from multiple analytic techniques: historical aircraft data and platform specifications to determine capabilities and limitations of the air fleet; several airfield databases, site reports, and expert judgments to determine probable intermediate staging base locations and their likely capabilities; multiple deployment concepts for access to minimize operational risks; and detailed geographic and operational analysis to determine global coverage and reach. In the end, we were able to deduce a preferred strategy for each of the combatant commands.
Global access for the GRF is provided partially through the use of well-established staging bases but will necessarily rely on austere basing and complex deployment concepts for particular locations in multiple combatant commands. The study concludes with several recommendations to close those risks, which span the services, combatant commands, and joint staff.
In addition to its intended use as a rapid response capability, the Army's portion of the GRF has a role on longer time lines.
Multiple, complex deployment concepts are necessary to ensure global coverage.
The GRF needs use of intermediate staging bases to ensure global coverage for their missions.
Force packaging and initial- and follow-on force flows drive aircraft demands and ISB selection.
Plans, planning, exercises, and site preparation are rarely applied to GRF operations.
The multiple, complex deployment concepts should be codified in joint and service doctrine and multi-service TTPs.
Deployment concepts should be validated for readiness through plans, planning, and exercises.
Tailoring force packages, for both initial-entry and follow-on forces, should be done to meet demands of the environment and limitations in Joint assets (like strategic lift).
A joint letter between Army and Air Force should lay to rest an ongoing perception of constraints in airdrop-crew availability for airborne operations.
This research was sponsored by the Army's 82nd Airborne Division and conducted by the Force Development and Technology program within the RAND Arroyo Center.
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