Claude Messan Setodji

Claude Messan Setodji

Senior Statistician; Associate Research Director of Economics, Sociology, and Statistics Department

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Claude Messan Setodji is a senior statistician, associate research department director of the Economics, Sociology, and Statistics Department at RAND, and was one of the founding members of the RAND Center for Causal Inference. His research interests include applications of statistics to public policy, especially in health care costs and care, causal inferences, sampling techniques, and data reduction, and visualization.

Setodji's current work focuses on improved quantitative methods in health and child development quality assessments and the development of statistical methods for inference on ecological momentary assessment of health and behavior intention outcomes. He is currently working on causal inference propensity score methods in the presence of measurement errors in covariates.

He recently led RAND projects including the evaluation of the redesign of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample and the development of small area estimation cost-effective and statistically reliable approaches for deriving estimates of the prevalence of various health risk behaviors, risk factors, and outcomes in small racial, ethnic, and other hard-to-reach populations in the United States. He also has interests in international education and health care policy.

Setodji earned his Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Minnesota.


Ph.D. in statistics, University of Minnesota


French; Ewe; Adja; Mina

Concurrent Non-RAND Positions

Adjunct Professor at Heinz College, School of public policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University

Selected Work

  • Setodji, C.M., Martino, S.C., Dunbar, M.S., & Shadel, W.G., "An Exponential Effect Persistence Model for Intensive Longitudinal Data," Psychological Methods, 24(5), 2019
  • Setodji, C.M., Martino, S.C., Gong M., Kusuke, D., Sicker, A., & Shadel, W.G., "How Do Tobacco Power Walls Influence Adolescents? A Study of Mediating Mechanisms," Health Psychology, 37(2), 2018
  • Setodji C.M., McCaffrey D.F., Burgette L.F., Almirall D., and Griffin B.A., "The Right Tool for the Job: Choosing Between Covariate Balancing and Generalized Boosted Model Propensity Scores," Epidemiology, 28(6), 2017
  • Robbins M.W. and Setodji C.M., "Causal Inference Using Mixture Models: A Word of Caution," Medical Care, 52(9), 2014
  • Setodji C.M., Martino S.C., Scharf D., and Shadel W. G., "Quantifying the Persistence of Pro-Smoking Media Effects on College Students’ Smoking Risk," Journal of Adolescent Health, 54, 2014
  • Setodji C.M., Le, V. and Schaack D., "Using Generalized Additive Modeling to Empirically Identify Thresholds Within the ITERS in Relation to Toddlers' Cognitive Development," Developmental Psychology, 49(4), 2013 (forthcoming)
  • Setodji C.M., Elliott M.N., Abel G., Burt J., Roland M., Campbell J., "Evaluating Differential Item Functioning in the English General Practice Patient Survey: Comparison of South Asian and White British Subgroups.," Medical Care, 53(9), 2015
  • Cook, R.D. and Setodji, M.C., "A Model-Free Test for Reduced Ranked in Multivariate Regression," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 2002

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