ExpertLens Publications

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Publications About ExpertLens

ExpertLens system and methodology have been featured in high-impact peer-reviewed journals and various reports. RAND Methodological Guidance for Conducting and Critically Appraising Delphi Panels specifically cites ExpertLens as a way to implement Delphi panels. Articles featuring the ExpertLens system and methodology have been published in leading international high-impact peer-reviewed journals.

The October 2011 issue of the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change featured "ExpertLens: A system for eliciting opinions from a large pool of non-collocated experts with diverse knowledge," an article that explains the ExpertLens system and methodology.

A RAND news release about the article provides a brief summary of ExpertLens features. The article was also featured on and other blogs.

Our article “Collaborative learning framework for online stakeholder engagement,” published in the journal Health Expectations, describes how ExpertLens data could be modeled using a Bayesian approach. It also presents an innovative theoretical framework for analyzing and interpreting the online data collected from large and diverse groups.

A good example of how the analysis of discussion comments can augment the quantitative analyses is seen in "How can we recognize continuous quality improvement?" in the December 2013 issue of the International Journal for Quality in Health Care.

To learn about the feasibility of using ExpertLens to conduct online expert panels and experimental replicability of its findings, read "Conducting online expert panels: A feasibility and experimental replicability study" in the December 2011 issue of the journal BMC Medical Research Methodology. The article presents the results of an experiment where four online panels of different size were conducted using the identical research protocol. This study also provides valuable insights into how to perform a simple descriptive analysis of ExpertLens data.

ExpertLens data have been used in a number of methodological articles about the Delphi method. Two articles, published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology and Value in Health, focus on how and why participants in Delphi studies change their responses after seeing how their own responses compare to those of other participants and participating in an online discussion.

Selected Reports and Journal Articles Featuring ExpertLens Research