Getting To Outcomes® Operations Guide for U.S. Air Force Community Action Teams

Content Area Module for Workplace Stress Prevention and Reduction in the Air Force

Chaitra M. Hardison, Christine Anne Vaughan, Lisa S. Meredith, Sarah Weilant, Rachel Ross

ToolPublished Apr 30, 2020

This content area module (CAM) for workplace stress prevention and reduction in the Air Force is a companion volume to the Getting To Outcomes Operations Guide for U.S. Air Force Community Action Teams. It includes guidance, resources, and examples of completed tools for Community Action Teams (CATs) that have an interest in planning, implementing, and evaluating workplace stress prevention and reduction initiatives as part of a Community Action Plan (CAP).

The main volume of the Getting To Outcomes (GTO) Operations Guide provides tools and resources for using GTO to plan, evaluate, and improve any integrated resilience and violence prevention program, policy, practice, or process (P4) that a CAT is interested in including in its CAP. The guide leads CATs through the ten steps of GTO and provides supplemental information and resources to support implementation of integrated resilience and violence prevention P4. Although the guide offers a range of resources and instructions for completing the GTO steps, it does not go into depth about how to apply GTO to any specific substantive area. CAMs, like this one, that accompany the GTO guide provide significantly more depth on specific areas.

This CAM walks the user through a hypothetical scenario with examples of completed GTO tools for workplace stress prevention and reduction. This CAM contains a chapter for each GTO step. Each chapter contains an overview of the GTO step as carried out by the fictional CAT, tips and resources specific to workplace stress prevention and reduction, and examples of completed tools for each GTO step.


Document Details


RAND Style Manual
Hardison, Chaitra M., Christine Anne Vaughan, Lisa S. Meredith, Sarah Weilant, and Rachel Ross, Getting To Outcomes® Operations Guide for U.S. Air Force Community Action Teams: Content Area Module for Workplace Stress Prevention and Reduction in the Air Force, RAND Corporation, TL-311/2-AF, 2020. As of October 12, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Hardison, Chaitra M., Christine Anne Vaughan, Lisa S. Meredith, Sarah Weilant, and Rachel Ross, Getting To Outcomes® Operations Guide for U.S. Air Force Community Action Teams: Content Area Module for Workplace Stress Prevention and Reduction in the Air Force. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2020.

Research conducted by

The research reported here was commissioned by the U.S. Air Force Integrated Resilience Office under the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and conducted by the Manpower, Personnel, and Training Program within RAND Project AIR FORCE.

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